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What is Apple CarPlay? How does it work?

What is Apple CarPlay? How does it work? - Binize

YuanYuan Liu |

Cars are no longer bought just for their engines and how many they seat. Now, infotainment demands some room on every car buyer’s agenda. Apple CarPlay supplies users with everything on their phone now at the tips of their fingers in the dash.

With the ability to do everything your phone can, Apple CarPlay allows the driver to safely use apps, call friends and family, and integrate your favorite music, shows, and podcasts into your car. This is just the start of what your car is capable of with Apple CarPlay.

Not an iPhone user? Curious about what Android Auto is? We have you covered.

A wide variety of models from all over the automotive spectrum are compatible with Apple CarPlay. However, most of the old fashion cars don’t support the CarPlay. On this occasion, the car stereo comes with CarPlay becomes the majority's choice. You can realize the CarPlay Function by installing an aftermarket car stereo. And here we are, Binize Car Stereo.